Merry Christmas from Alpha Chi Omega! |
Welcome to 2012! We hope you all have the best year ever and that you experience sisterhood in 2012! Our alumnae chapter is excited about the upcoming year and all it promises. We closed out 2011 with a wonderful afternoon Christmas party at the Brick Arch Winery in West Branch. Fourteen alumnae gathered together and we spent a very enjoyable time, snacking on great appetizers that everyone shared, wine from a splendid winery and learning a new craft! Brenda Griebahn taught everyone how to fold origami cranes--it was great fun and we had a lot of laughs while we were learning the ancient Japanese art of paper folding.
We're looking forward to our spring events: Fine Arts Event in February for McDowell Month, an alumnae supper at the chapter house, Hall of Commitment with our graduating collegiate members. Look for more details as event dates draw near. And be sure to consider attending Convention in 2012! It will be just down the road from us in St. Louis , MO on July 13-16, 2012. We can show support for our province and sisters in the St. Louis alumnae chapter as they host this event. Hope to see you all in 2012!