Sunday, November 17, 2013

Christmas Holiday Brunch, Sunday December 8

We will be gathering to share the joy of the season with our AXO sisters at a Brunch at the Blackstone Grill on Sunday, December 8 at 12:30pm.  The Blackstone is located at the corner of Scott Blvd and Rochester Ave in Iowa City.  We have also invited the Cedar Rapids area alums to join us.  Husbands/partners are welcome to join us for this informal gathering to start the holiday season.  Bring a Christmas ornament to share in a grab bag gift exchange.  Hope to see you there!  Have a merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, November 11, 2013

House Corporation Annual Meeting Recap

We had a great group of alumnae turn out for our House Corporation Annual Meeting and Ice Cream Social.  Although we didn't get to meet as many collegiate this year, we met some new alumnae in the area and we want to welcome them!  After a n informal alumnae chapter meeting, the Board of the House Corporation presented the annual reports regarding the state of the chapter house at 828 E. Washington.  We want to thank the board members--including Leslie Soule, Karen Daubenberger, Sharon Kay Stang, Jane Harbit, Elsie Foerstner--for their dedication and hard work maintaining our beautiful Chapter House.

We also want to welcome the new House Director, Karen Hollen.  Karen was raised in Aledo, Illinois and earned her Bachelor of Science in Home Economics from Michigan State University.  Karen  most recently worked ten years as Housing Director at Alpha Delta Pi Sorority at the University of Michigan, but was ready to move back closer to family with a brother living in Des Moines and a sister in the Chicago area. Karen is very friendly and loves working with college students. We are extremely happy to have her join our family.  Please stop in and say hello to Karen when you visit the house.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Welcome Back to Alpha Chi!

If you haven't been an active part of our Alumnae Chapter in the past, or if it's been a while since you kept in touch with us, I want to say "Welcome!" and invite you to join us again.  Start by seeing what we do by attending the Ice Cream Social and Annual Meeting of the House Corporation Board on October 14, 2013 at 828 E. Washington in Iowa City.  The social starts at 6:30pm with the women of Sigma Chapter at the University of Iowa joining us for a fun dessert get-together.  Following the dessert, we will have the Annual Meeting of the Sigma House Corporation at 7:30pm to conduct the business of the Corporation that oversees that physical structure of our collegiates' home at 828 E. Washington St. 

Our most recent newsletter is out with the latest information about our Alumnae Chapter and our 2013-2014 Calendar of Events.  If you have not received a copy yet, send an email to and we'll make sure you get a copy.  We're looking forward to a great year!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Invitation to Mingle with Sisters

To the Iowa City alums: the Cedar Rapids AXO alum club
members would like to meet for lunch on Thursday, March
14th, at noon at the Bob's Your Uncle location off of
Highway 1.  Please join Carolyn Stucker and the Cedar Rapids alumnae if you can!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Spring Update

Hope you are all having a great winter, wherever you are!  Just a quick update from Epsilon Theta Epsilon:
1.  Don't forget to celebrate Hera Day on March 1, 2013.  Anne Dierking will be organizing a lunch date at the Blackstone restaurant, located at the corner of Scott Blvd and Rochester Ave in Iowa City.  Be sure to let Anne know if you can attend by calling her at 319-351-4525 or emailing her at  We'll be meeting at 11:30am and it will be a great day to meet with sisters and catch up on what's happening.
2.  Hall of Commitment will be held later this spring for our graduating collegiate sisters.  The date and time will be announced soon, and we will need volunteers to bring salads and other brunch foods for the brunch, as well as take an active role in the ceremony.  Stay tuned for more information.
3.  Volunteers for upcoming year.  We need volunteers and new ideas to implement into our program for the next year.  If you have any suggestions, or if you would like to help organize, please email Brenda Griebahn at  Let's have a great program to help get others involved in Alpha Chi!
4.  Special thanks to all the alumnae who are helping out the Sigma chapter in Iowa City.  We have a great team of collegiate advisors who are making a difference in the lives of the collegians.  If you are working with the members at Sigma, stand up and take a bow!