Real. Strong. Women.
The National Chapter Meeting |
If you ever wondered why our Fraternity has that slogan, you would understand after attending a National Convention. I had the pleasure of being at the 2012 Convention in St. Louis, Missouri this summer with almost 1000 women who know that Alpha Chi Omega is alive and well and thriving in America. What adjectives can I use to describe this 4 day adventure? Amazing. Inspiring. Challenging. Stirring. Triumphant. Awakening. The theme for this year's Convention "Meet Me at the Arch" was a fitting title as we watched the
Sharon Kay Stang and Sarah Griebahn
at the National Chapter Meeting |
soaring structure of the Jefferson Expansion Memorial from our hotel gleaming in the sunshine by day and standing as a beacon shining out in the night sky. Fitting because the Arch was built using the strongest structural design know to man and the women at this meeting are some of the
Melissa d'Arabian, Alpha Chi Omega
Star on The Food Network |
strongest women I have ever met. Our own Marsha King Grady, National President, inspired us with her vision of what Alpha Chi Omega can be to future generations. Melissa d' Arabian, an Alpha Chi Omega who now stars on The Food Network on her own show "Ten Dollar Dinners" had us laughing and crying with her testimony of the power of sisterhood in her life. And all the women who are the members of the new National Council, the Foundation and the National Housing Corporation were able to share with us how when we all work together toward a common goal we can be a powerful force for positive change in the lives of women across the nation. Changing lives, changing the conversation about what being a member of a sorority means in America today.
The Sigma Reunion at the Reunion Dinner |
Oh, did I mention the fun? Women of all ages, cheering, singing, and learning together. Not only did we discuss the business of the Fraternity, but there were great opportunities for learning new ways to be involved in Alpha Chi Omega, as well as new things to help individual members grow. Protecting yourself on the Internet, "The Happiness Project", and discovering the frog within, were just some of the sessions that were available for members to attend and find new Heights to reach for. We all came away with great new ideas and the revival of ideals that we want to share with our alumnae chapter and a recommitment to engaging with our beloved collegians at Sigma. We were all proud of our Sigma President, Jacklyn Gelman, as she received the honor of wearing the Centennial sash for the Chapter, and we were so excited to see Molly Schuneman, Sigma, serving as a page at the Convention.
All dressed up for the Formal Banquet
Molly Schuneman, Karen Daubenberger, Brenda Griebahn
Jacklyn Gelman, Sarah Griebahn, Sharon Kay Stang |
If you have never attended a Convention before, I want to encourage you to try it--you're going to love it! The convention is open to all Alpha Chi Omega women, and is held every other year in various locations around the country, so there may be one close to you in the future. The 2014 convention will be held in July 2014 in Palm Desert, California. I can't wait to see you there!