If you haven't been an active part of our Alumnae Chapter in the past, or if it's been a while since you kept in touch with us, I want to say "Welcome!" and invite you to join us again. Start by seeing what we do by attending the Ice Cream Social and Annual Meeting of the House Corporation Board on October 14, 2013 at 828 E. Washington in Iowa City. The social starts at 6:30pm with the women of Sigma Chapter at the University of Iowa joining us for a fun dessert get-together. Following the dessert, we will have the Annual Meeting of the Sigma House Corporation at 7:30pm to conduct the business of the Corporation that oversees that physical structure of our collegiates' home at 828 E. Washington St.
Our most recent newsletter is out with the latest information about our Alumnae Chapter and our 2013-2014 Calendar of Events. If you have not received a copy yet, send an email to icalphachialums@gmail.com and we'll make sure you get a copy. We're looking forward to a great year!