Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fall Alpha Chi Alum RoundUp

It's been a great fall for Alpha Chi's in Iowa City! 

     Our Summer BBQ was well attended and we heard the news from National Convention and what was happening at the National level of our fraternity.  There were 9 attendees from our area, including our past National president, Marsha Grady, and Rhonda Warren, Sigma, the Province Alumnae Chairman from Texas.  We were well represented on all levels, as our Chapter Presidents (both collegiate and alumnae), Chapter Advisors, House Director and House Corps President all attended the bi-annual gathering of members from across the country.  The next convention in 2016 will be held in Orlando, Florida--start making plans to attend!  It's a great experience!

     Our alumnae calendar has been full!  We started with recruitment at Sigma, and we want to thank all the members who helped out with food donations and assistance in the kitchen.  Sigma added 46 new members and they will be having initiation November 5-6.  Alumnae are encouraged to attend the ritual ceremony as well as the other events.  Please contact Sarah Griebahn, the Fraternity Relations Advisor, for more details (

     We distributed Welcome Back bags of goodies to all the returning collegiates--it was a fun project and the girls were very grateful for the treats and personal products that were donated to make this a true gift of love and sisterhood.  We will be looking for donations for the live-in girls to have a Sisterhood Snack Pack for the end of the semester as well (baked goods, popcorn, etc.).  Start thinking of some great ideas to add!

     We also designed a new t-shirt for alums to wear to show their AXO pride.  We even made some new friends and some money for our alumnae chapter!  If you are interested please contact Brenda Griebahn for more information at 319-621-6605.
     We made some attempts to engage our alumnae for Homecoming, but hopefully we will have better response next year!  If you have friends or sisters coming back next year to Iowa City, let us know if this is something they might be interested in doing when they are in town.  We cheered on the Sigma float as it went by in the parade, and enjoyed some Paglai's Pizza for old time's sake!
     We still have 2 great events planned for this fall semester.  On November 19, we will be trimming the tree at Sigma and sharing hot chocolate, cookies and Christmas memories with the chapter at 7pm.  Come out for a relaxing evening and do some Christmas shopping as well!  We will be selling "Tiny Hands" products to raise a awareness of the plight of women throughout the world.  Products made by women from all over the world will be on sale and the proceeds will go to our newest philanthropy to help end human trafficking.  Be sure to join us for this "new" tradition of supporting women in need.
     And last but not least, we have a fabulous Holiday Party planned for December 13.  We will be having a Wine Tasting and Art event at The Secret Cellar, 1205 Curtis Bridge Rd NE, Swisher, IA 52338.  Join us at 1pm for a fun afternoon, relaxing, imbibing in a little wine and snacks, and take home a masterpiece that YOU create under the tutelage of the artist from the venue.  The cost of the event is $29 per person plus $10 for materials.  You must RSVP to Brenda Griebahn (319-621-6605) or the Secret Cellar (319) 841-2172 to attend so we have enough materials for everyone.  You can bring payment that day, or call your credit card to The Secret Cellar.  Ask for Lauren.  More details to follow.  Bring a friend and share the spirit of the season!
     Thanks for following us--remember that "Sisters Forever' is our theme for this year.  And you make us what we are: Real. Strong. Women.